Christian Beer

Christian Beer

About Me

Hi, I’m Christian Beer, and I design and develop software for iOS and OS X.

You can find me as @christian_beer on Twitter.

My first app iVocabulary is available in the App Store since 10/2008. But I already started developing for the iPhone in 09/2007 as soon as the unofficial toolchains became available.

Besides developing my own apps, I work with my customers on building great software for the iPhone, iPad or Mac.

You can find more info about me below.

Own Projects

More details about my own projects can be found on my apps page.

iVocabulary 3 for iOS

Vocabulary 3 is your vocabulary trainer in your pocket. You can train your own vocabulary or choose out of more than 3000 vocabulary files available for download. Learn new vocabulary while you’re in a bus, train, café, airplane on the beach or wherever you like.

iVocabulary 3 for Mac

iVocabulary is your vocabulary trainer for your Mac. iVocabulary provides an easy way to enter your own vocabulary. Since it’s based on ProVoc, you can download files out of more than 2500 freely available vocabulary files.

The Social Address Book

The Social Address Book is your address book of your contacts in all social networks.

Browse your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Xing, Google Contacts, Soundcloud or Foursquare as if they are in your local address book.

Customer Projects


dotdotdot is an independent digital reading platform, that tries to use the full potential of digital text.

KaufDA Navigator / KaufDA Navigator HD

Mit dem kaufDA Navigator finden Sie die nächsten Geschäfte und die besten Angebote aus Ihrer direkten Umgebung! Der kaufDA Navigator ist die Top-App der preisgekrönten Website

inubit App for mobile BPM

With the inubit App for mobile BPM you can actively take part within your business processes at any time and any place. All business processes controlled via the inubit BPM-Suite 5.3 can be accessed through iPhone/iPod touch by using this App.


Taxometer will calculate the costs for (at this time) over 200 cities in 20 countries worldwide, including major cities in the US, Europe and Australia. We often update our fare & contact database with more cities and countries.

More Info About Me

Contact: Christian Beer • Legdenweg 122 • 48161 Münster

Steuer-Nummer: DE268309693


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